A quick note about what we do

Artist Statement


in·cip′i·ence n.

1.In an initial stage; beginning to happen or develop
1.1The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence
1.3.(Of a person) developing into a specified type or role

The title of this showing is a word that resonates deeply with me. After too long a hiatus, I am beginning to get back to my creative roots, and am working toward becoming what i always wanted to be from a young age: an Artist

The themes I explore are varied, and derived mostly from personal experience. As writers are told to write what they know, I follow in kind with images as opposed to words.

Of the represented work, some is more illustrative and denotes a fairly clear story. Other pieces are more abstract, allowing the viewer’s own story to emerge. Some pieces are looser yet, and may simply suggest a general tone. Every piece strives to capture the energy and vibrance that reflect life and its perpetually changing personality.

I seek to capture a perception and the experience of a feeling, letting the work suggest the potential of the moment. Art incites emotion, it promotes introspection. My aim is for it to magnify these effects. When it is being created it is my story. When it is finished, it can be anyones.

Inspiration abounds if we learn to keep our eyes wide open, slow down, and appreciate what is all around us.

Shawn pail 2016

Who we are


Fearless Leader

Son,Progeny, Muse, Source of constant Amazment

Xaviers Page
